2023 WRAPPED - A year at The Learning Foundry | News

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2023 WRAPPED - A year at The Learning Foundry

WHAT a year. As 2023 comes to a close, we wanted to reflect on what we’ve achieved over the last year. 

January saw Clarie take on the role as our Managing Director – but she wasn’t the only new face on campus. Our Weapons Down Gloves Up course launched in the first month of 2023, with Tony Bellew and Meatball Molly coming to campus to meet our learners.  

More new courses started in February with another cohort of our live music programme, Soundcheck. As part of National Apprenticeship Week, some of our TLF team also took to the airwaves to shout about all the opportunities at The Learning Foundry. February also saw the launch of our ‘100 in 30 appeal’ - engaging local employers in providing 100 opportunities for our learners – whether it’s work experience, an apprenticeship or employment opportunity.  

In March we smashed the pledge out of the water - if we do say so ourselves. We secured 152 opportunities for our learners, with top local employers who we welcomed on campus for a networking breakfast. National Careers Week demonstrated The Learning Foundry are way more than a training provider.  

In April, we introduced Cognassist to our learners’ journeys – a cognitive assessment to help us identify any additional support needs. It’s part of our commitment to helping everybody reach their full potential.  

Euro-fever really took over our campus in May, even our windows were transformed to show our support. Learning at Work Week 2023 illuminated our opportunities for adult learners, already in employment, and saw us destigmatising learning as an activity only available to young people.  

As Summer approached, we got ready to open our campus doors for our next open day, and broaden our service offer, too, by launching our Property Maintenance Apprenticeship.  

We went full steam ahead with our housing offer this July, exhibiting at Housing 2023. We committed to ensuring our offer was accessible to all people, linking up with Career Connect to launch the CareerFest event – supporting local young people on their next steps. And, of course, there was lots to celebrate. The LEAD graduation for The Regenda Group management trainees was definitely a day to remember.  

We were on hand throughout August for learners collecting their GCSE and A level results. We made sure our offer was heard far and wide, taking our Level 3 Business Administration Apprentice, Esme, with us to BBC Radio Merseyside to talk about her experience after GCSEs. 

Fay joined our team as Safeguarding and SEND Lead this September. She helped us celebrate Dyslexia Awareness Day, the most common additional need amongst our learners.  

November saw us open our campus for our next open day, and open our hearts with the launch of our ‘Talent Shines where Kindness Thrives’ campaign. It’s all about how we’re supporting learners, challenging inequalities and doing our bit to support the United Nations Sustainable Development goals. 

The last two months saw a lot to celebrate – and shows that all the hard work paid off. The UK Business Awards named The Learning Foundry Business Training and Education Provider of the Year, and we were named as finalists in the Preparing for Work category in the LCR Culture and Creativity Awards. 

Along the way, we generated £1.8 million in social value. Being part of The Regenda Group means that all this work we do every day to support individuals and businesses, also helps to regenerate the places we live and work – creating even more opportunities! 

… And that’s 2023 wrapped up! We’d like to say a huge well done to every single member of the team at The Learning Foundry, for helping us Make Talent Shine. 

Want to be part of it all in 2024? Enquire now about working with us in the New Year.


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