Building a career in Housing - Evita's story | News

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Building a career in Housing - Evita's story

I started a course with The Learning Foundry just before the Covid pandemic. I’d been made redundant. I was looking for a job and I found The Learning Foundry through the Job Centre.

I was impressed by The Learning Foundry. The team came to visit the Job Centre and they were very open, very inviting, and friendly. They were dynamic! I felt inspired and I thought why not do a fully-funded course while I continue my job search.

I signed up to do a Level 1 Customer Service course with the opportunity to get a job interview at the end. I actually got the job which was an amazing feeling. I became a part-time concierge at Plaza 1821.

It was the first time I’d ever done a customer facing role. I’d worked in logistics before being made redundant so I was used to being in an office and working with spreadsheets.

It was exciting to start a new role, in a new sector, in a brand new building. We had the residents moving in to their new homes. The pandemic was a strange time to start a customer-facing role but I enjoyed the challenge, and I was rewarded with a full-time position.

I’m a believer in lifelong learning. So, when my manager asked me if I wanted to do another Customer Service qualification with The Learning Foundry it was a no-brainer.

Learning at home on top of my full-time job was challenging. Even more so because I was stepping into a new role as Senior Concierge at Plaza 1821, but I was excited to get the promotion and I think doing this qualification helped me get the job. My tutor Nicola was very supportive. She was very encouraging and understood the difficulties of working and studying.

It has been so rewarding! These qualifications have been very beneficial. Being willing to learn in your own time, and to commit to something, it’s attractive to hiring managers. I’m pleased I’ve been proactive and it’s opened up a new career path for me.

Never did I imagine I’d have a job like this. I love working in housing. It’s so vast! It’s not just selling houses – it’s customer service, it’s finance, it’s marketing, it’s community engagement. I’ve learned that there are so many roles to be had. I love meeting new people and welcoming them into our building.

The Regenda Group is a great place to work and I’ve been supported since day one. I’m so glad I took a chance with The Learning Foundry.

Call us on 0300 123 8088 to find out more about how we can help you progress your career.


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