Ellie: Dental Apprentice Plotting Root to Success | News

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Ellie: Dental Apprentice Plotting Root to Success

You might think we’d be hard pressed to find a good news story that would perk us up, least of all from a visit to the dentist! Here at The Learning Foundry, however, we always have good news stories to share through our talented, ambitious and driven learners. Ellie, a Learning Foundry Dental Nursing apprentice, has certainly brightened our day and given us something to shout about, successfully completing her Dental Nursing Apprenticeship at Ollie and Darsh Dental Clinic in Liverpool and receiving excellent feedback, both from her end point assessor and her employer.

To put Ellie’s achievements in context, she has become the very first Dental apprentice at The Learning Foundry to achieve a distinction grade at the interview stage.

“The course has been amazing in the sense that it has opened doors to allow me to go to University to study therapy. Without Amy [Dental Assessor at The Learning Foundry], and all her support, I doubt I’d have done as well as I did! I can’t thank The Learning Foundry enough,” said an appreciative Ellie.

Ellie’s is not just a story of straightforward success however, and she felt the need to switch Dental practices halfway through her Apprenticeship as it wasn’t the right fit, which can happen. Success doesn’t always come easy and Ellie persevered, a lesson for all our learners, moving her Apprenticeship to Ollie and Darsh Dental Clinic in Liverpool City Centre.

Ellie certainly made an instant impact, according to her Manager, Suzy Gorman, “Every once in a while, special employees come along that just really seem to get it, they really get you as a company. Ellie is one of those employees and has helped to drive the clinic forward.”

“Ellie is one of our rockstars because she understands the power of teamwork and completely understands her role within the clinic.”

We’d like to congratulate Ellie on her fantastic success and achievement and look forward to seeing what’s in store for her going forward, well done Ellie!


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