Flexibility, empathy and new opportunities – Louise’s story | News

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Flexibility, empathy and new opportunities – Louise’s story

Louise has been working in housing for over 15 years. She started a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Housing Management and got all the support she needed to succeed! 

We caught up with Louise just after her final assessment to find out how she found the course:

I have missed out on opportunities in the past because other people had housing qualifications and I didn’t. Even though we performed the same in an interview setting, I lost out on the opportunity – that's why I wanted to get my own qualification in housing.  

Everything I’ve learnt on the course has been massively relevant to what I do in my role as Tenancy Support Specialist. It’s given me the knowledge and the confidence to explain regulations, risks and policies much better – whether that’s to tenants or other members of staff.  

“Learning on the job wasn’t always easy. During my apprenticeship I had personal issues outside of work but The Learning Foundry were flexible and empathetic.  

“My coach was fantastic. When I returned to work after periods of absence, she set me realistic and achievable goals based on what I said I could do.  

“The course fit me and not the other way around. My coach made sure everything coming up would work for me. If all courses were like this I think I would have stayed in education forever.  

“Studying with The Learning Foundry was way more than just the qualification that I signed up for. I was supported with my maths. The team even facilitated a ‘maths week, another way that the training was delivered around me and what I needed. It was a lovely week, I would do it every week if I could! 

“I would recommend the course to anyone thinking about it. It is a mature way of learning, not like school, every one at The Learning Foundry respects you. 

The support is there when you learn with The Learning Foundry. My coach was like a therapist, coach and assessor all in one, I can’t thank her enough.  

I’m keen on doing my Level 4 qualification with The Learning Foundry, and I wouldn’t dream of doing the course with anyone else! 

Well done, Louise! 

Inspired by Louise’s story? Find out more about gaining new skills in the housing sector: https://www.thelearningfoundry.co.uk/housing-management  

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