From Fashion to Compassion

Just a few short years ago, Jade Graham was a manager in a well-known shoe shop in Liverpool City Centre, successfully leading a team. Today, she is a part of the fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a Mental Health Support Worker, wearing gloves, aprons and shields by day and studying via Distance Learning for her Level 3 Adult Social Care Diploma with us by evening.
It has always been Jade’s ambition to help and support people and she is living her dream, despite never foreseeing anything like the current situation! While she says she has not found the current circumstances too difficult, she does find that learning with us is a break from her responsibilities in the workplace and loves to research and learn new things.
Jade is as ambitious as she is caring and wants to become a manager in Health and Social Care, with her studies helping her to achieve her goals, “I am a driven person and I would love to take on a management role in Health and Social Care as soon as possible. I feel like my apprenticeship at The Learning Foundry will take me one step closer to that goal and I have learned a lot so far.”
“I’m really excited for what the future holds, and I know that The Learning Foundry are there for me every step of the way. I regularly have virtual one to ones with my tutor Kirsty and all my course resources are available online, so I never feel like I’m in the dark about anything.”
Balancing work life and studies isn’t easy at the best of times, but it is to be admired when providing care and support to patients by day is balanced with studying and learning by evening. A level of ambition we love to see in our learners!
A huge thank you to Jade and all our apprentices working as key workers today, your efforts are appreciated, not just by us, but the entire country.