Funding for your Property Maintenance Apprentice | News

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Funding for your Property Maintenance Apprentice

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) provides grants of up to £11,000 for construction industry employers who provide training for their workforce.   

Let’s break it down: 

  • An apprenticeship is free for the learner - they do not have to pay for their own training.
  • All employers registered with CITB can apply for a grant, 

  • These grants are available to employers of all sizes - whether or not you pay a levy to CITB, you just have to be registered, 

  • The Attendance Grant, that’s £2,500 per year, per apprentice, 

  • The Achievement Grant, that’s £3,500, per apprentice on successful completion,

  • All employers receive an additional £1,000, per apprentice, if the apprentice is aged 16-18 OR under 25 and has an education, health and care plan OR who has been in the care of their local authority,

  • An additional £1,000 can be accessed by employers in Knowsley.

To find out more about this funding, contact our expert team by email on:


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