House and About With Apprentices | News

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House and About With Apprentices

In just a few short weeks, our lives have changed hugely! From the hustle and bustle of the early morning commute, to a morning coffee and chat with a colleague, to the outdoor activities and interests that usually make up most of our working and social lives, we are now driven to take on a simpler way of living. While getting used to working and studying from home has been a learning curve for everyone, now that the dust has settled a little, we wanted to see first-hand how some of our learners are faring ‘Distance Learning’ with us; so we did just that! 

Abigail, Business and Projects Manager at M&Y Maintenance and Construction, is currently completing our Level 3, ILM Management course, and has found several positives from her experience to date:



Matt, studying towards our CIH Level 3 qualification, is learning all things Housing and has found his IT skills are better than he thought, keep up the great work Matt:



Mark, People Services Business Partner at The Regenda Group, and ILM Level 3 learner is not only making really good progress with his assignments, but is also saving the environment too:



We may have had to adapt our lifestyles to new ways of thinking and working, but our ability to gain skills still relies on our willingness to learn, even from the comfort of our own homes! There’s endless opportunity to improve our knowledge through Distance Learning with us, and it’s clear that these learners are embracing that challenge! 

If you are studying or working from home and are finding things a little tough right now though, don’t be afraid to contact us! Check out our Safeguarding and Wellbeing blog for information around mental health and wellbeing. Contact details and additional information around our Designated Safeguarding Leads and Mental Health First Aider can also be found at the bottom of the blog. 


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