I would recommend The Learning Foundry in a heartbeat – Angela's story | News

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I would recommend The Learning Foundry in a heartbeat – Angela's story

Angela started a Property Management Apprenticeship over two years ago whilst working as a Retirement Living Officer for Care Plus. After the first provider went under, then a second provider soon after, Angela started learning with us at The Learning Foundry.  

After completing her qualification earlier this month, we caught up with Angela to talk about her progress... 

“By the time I started learning with The Learning Foundry, I felt like I was studying for so many different courses. 

“I really didn’t get along with the second provider, and, to be honest, I just wanted to give up. 

“It was a blessing that I was introduced to The Learning Foundry. Every provider had a very different style, but it worked out so well in the end!  

The Learning Foundry were straightforward, clear with expectations. Their taught sessions were useful and engaging, content was relevant, and anything asked of me was just so easy to understand. 

“Everything I’ve learnt since studying with The Learning Foundry has been so relevant to my career. I know more about the importance of keeping up to date with legislation, and where to look for the changes – I knew none of that when I started. I’ve come on leaps and bounds! 

“After about three assignments I got promoted. My new role is Specialist Housing Manager, so I lead on things like voids for my team – so knowing all that legislation is so important! 

“Learning on the job isn’t easy, but it was manageable. When I started I was guilty of leaving things to the last minute, but now I’d say I’m actually better at managing my time! 

“Claire, my Development Coach, supported me throughout my qualification, answering all my random questions but also boosting my confidence. She was always telling me ‘You’ve got this’, and she really helped me feel assured that I was capable of doing well. 

“I’ve completed other higher education courses as an adult, and learning with The Learning Foundry was completely different. I got taught, and supported, with exactly what I need to know – and why! It all felt relevant to my role, and to real life.  

“I finished earlier in November 2023, and I’ve already signed up for the Level 4 qualification with The Learning Foundry. After the experience of learning with three different providers, I would recommend The Learning Foundry in a heartbeat.” 

Angela’s Development Coach, Claire says: 

“I am just so pleased. Ang was so deflated when we met, we were her third provider, she was close to leaving and not finishing at all, she has worked so hard -  and now wants to start her Level 4 with us! Everything has clicked into place and makes sense, it's been amazing to have seen the journey from start to finish.” 

Another huge congratulations to Angela, and we can’t wait to have you back studying with us in the New Year. 

Find out more about learning with us, here. 


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