ILM and CIH Information Sessions at The Learning Foundry

Are you interested in upskilling your Housing staff? Or, are you keen to upskill your Management team? Maybe you're not a HR or L &D Manager and would like to find out more about these courses for yourself so you can report your interest back to your employer (both our CIH and ILM qualifications are eligible for levy funding or 95% funded for non-levy organisations)!
Our ILM qualifciations are either for professionals who have taken their first steps into management (Level 3) or established managers who already manage teams and projects (Level 5), while our CIH qualifications are for anyone trying to improve their knowledge of the Housing sector, from Level 2 right through to Level 4.
If you fit any of the above criteria, then come along to our upcoming virtual CIH and ILM information sessions from January 28th to February 12th. Learn about the experiences of a CIH and ILM graduate from The Learning Foundry here and here respectively:
ILM Information Session January 28th - Regsiter here
CIH Information Session February 3rd - Register here
ILM Information Session February 8th - Register here
CIH Information Session February 12th - Register here
If you'd like to learn more or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our Workforce Development team on 0300 123 8088 or email