Kelly McCormack: The Learning Foundry's First Level 4 CIH Distinction | News

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Kelly McCormack: The Learning Foundry's First Level 4 CIH Distinction

Kelly McCormack is as ambitious as they come, and is now a trailblazer, becoming the very first Level 4 CIH learner to go through the End Point Assessment and achieve a distinction at The Learning Foundry.

Kelly, a Tenancy Management Officer at Plus Dane Housing, decided to undertake the qualification to provide her with a broader knowledge of the Housing sector. It’s fair to say that she has more than achieved that goal, achieving a brilliant result and earning the plaudits of everyone here at The Learning Foundry, we’re very proud of you Kelly!

It hasn’t been easy, and the Coronavirus pandemic has thrown up many challenges for learners and training providers alike, Kelly had to adapt and did so brilliantly. She says, “I completed a classroom session via Microsoft Teams which was strange and wrote two assignments at home with two young children.”

“I also completed my project at home and my End Point Assessment via Microsoft Teams. Completing my project was made slightly more difficult as I had to adapt my original plans to suit lockdown rules, and as lots of my work involved collecting data during home visits, I had to change this to phone calls.”

Often, with anything we achieve in life, overcoming inevitable challenges makes success all the sweeter. For Kelly, she initially felt that listening to the experience and opinions of others remotely for certain modules wasn’t quite as impactful for her when compared with being present in the classroom, but she overcame that early difficulty and enjoyed learning through Teams as she got more used to it.

Kelly has been able to take a lot from her CIH qualification and she has harnessed that knowledge and used it in her role at Plus Dane Housing. She feels she has a much better understanding of how processes work and what issues affect other departments which now allows her to think of things from their perspective, and not just her own, a valuable asset to have in the workplace.

Kelly recognises that her CIH Level 4 qualification has not only had a profoundly positive impact on her, but also her employer, as she uses what she has been taught daily.

While it wasn’t easy to achieve her distinction, she would recommend a CIH qualification at The Learning Foundry and sees it as a very enjoyable experience. “Everyone should have the opportunity to add to their knowledge via a CIH qualification,” says Kelly.  

We’d like to extend a huge congratulations to our trailblazer Kelly on becoming the very first CIH Level 4 learner to go through the End Point Assessment and achieve a distinction at the The Learning Foundry and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for Kelly in the Housing sector over the coming months and years, exciting times are ahead!


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