Our latest news
Rate my Apprenticeship survey gives The Learning Foundry highest rating!
The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) survey, published by FE Week, gives employers and learners the chance to rate their apprenticeship service provider.
“I’m learning more than I ever did in college” – Tegan’s story
We caught up with one of our customer service apprentices, Tegan, for a catch up on her progress with only 6 months of her apprenticeship left to go.
Navigating the new Social Housing (Regulation) Bill
We're here to support social housing providers through these changes, ensuring you have everything you need to meet the new requirements
My first month as Managing Director - Claire Lee
The first month in any job can be an intense experience. From first-day nerves and a new team, to getting up to speed and making an impact quickly, there’s a lot to get to grips with in a new company. We caught up with Claire Lee, Managing Director, to see how she’s settled in to her new role at The Learning Foundry.
"One-size-fits-all restricts us all!" - Susie's story
“I have ADHD, so being able to talk publicly about this was a BIG deal to me. I want to give back and help people in my position so it’s a privilege to be given a chance to share my experience."
'100 in 30' appeal - pledge an opportunity to support skills in our region
We’re asking Liverpool / Merseyside businesses to make the pledge to upskill our region – and we’ll support you every step of the way. We’re launching our ‘100 in 30’ appeal - we want to offer 100 employment opportunities over 30 days to young people and adults living in our community. And we need you.