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"TLF has opened so many doors for me" - Georgia's story

Want to know more about what The Learning Foundry can do for you? There's no better way than to hear from someone who's been there! Georgia took part in a traineeship with TLF recently and says "it's opened so many doors for me". Here she tells us about her time with TLF and the opportunities she's been able to access.

Passing our Matrix reaccreditation with flying colours

The Learning Foundry has passed an annual Matrix accrediation review with flying colours this month (April 2022)!

Our 'person-centred' approach to finding the best outcomes for learners was praised by the assessor as well as our approach to partnership working and development of innovative programmes such as Youthquake.

The Learning Foundry & Inside Connections: Building A Better Future

The Learning Foundry works with many fantastic organisations and companies that share our ethos in the continued development of young people across the North West. One of our newest partnerships is with Inside Connections, who we are delighted to be working with to provide a first-grade construction traineeship that aims to help young people learn the skills to be a success in the construction sector.

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