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From Apprentice to Director: Matthew Rothwell

It's National Apprenticeship Week (7th - 13th February 2022) and we're here to shout about how amazing apprenticeships are. 

Often branded the 'non-traditional' option, apprenticeships are a brilliant way to fast-track yourself to a rewarding, lifelong career. You get to earn while you learn, get real work experience on your CV and gain recognised qualifications - what's not to love?!

If this isn't enough to convince you, perhaps Matthew Rothwell's story will. Matthew started as an apprentice and has worked his way to up become Director of Safety and Business Performance at M&Y Maintenance and Construction. Read on to find out what he had to say about his career journey. 

Get the BBC on your CV!

Are you 18-24 and desperate to work in TV or radio? Stand out from the crowd and get the BBC on your CV!

New Year, More You Open Day

We’re here to help you bring out your best self and make your talent shine. Forget New Year, new you – it’s New Year, MORE you! 

To help you find the best option for your future, we're holding at Open Day on 6th January, 2-6pm.  

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