#payitforward for Mental Health Awareness Week

Kirsty Rothwell, Housing IQA, tells us about Mental Health Awareness Week and our #payitforward campaign.
Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 (18-24 May) and its theme is Kindness
Why Kindness?
Last week, I waited in a socially distanced queue outside the supermarket as the rain started to fall.
One of the staff noticed we were getting wet. He scurried away to find a pile of umbrellas, carefully disinfected the handles and passed them out with a smile. To my surprise, my eyes started to well up. At a time when I felt alone, I suddenly felt connected.
If I asked you the last time you gave or experienced kindness, you would tell me stories of when you felt moved, protected, held, seen, loved. Research has shown that protecting our mental health is going to be central to us coping with and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic - with the psychological and social impacts likely to outlast the physical symptoms of the virus.
So we want everyone to celebrate kindness!
During Mental Health Awareness Week, we are asking you to #payitforward:
- Reflect on an act of kindness and pass that kindness on
- Share your stories and pictures (with permission) of kindness during the week using #payitforward on your social media accounts
- Remember to tag in The Learning Foundry so we can see all the great things you're doing
For example, following a lively (social distanced) VE Day Street Party where my neighbour provided all the street with afternoon tea for free, I have since helped her plant trees in our street’s communal garden.
No act of kindness is ever wasted. Please join us this Mental Health Awareness Week and make kindness matter.