Results Day Top Tips from our shining star, Mia

Results season can be a stressful time for learners and their support circle. As GCSE and A-level results days approach, we’re here with a reminder that everyone’s results day experience is different and we’re here to support school leavers to find their next step – whatever it looks like!
Mia collected her GCSE results two years ago. After weighing up her options, checking out college courses and more traditional further education, she decided to join The Learning Foundry - and we are SO proud of how successful she’s been on her apprenticeship.
Here’s what Mia had to say about her GCSE results day, top tips, and her ambitions for the future.
Tell us about your GCSE results day?
“It’s been two years since my results day! I remember going to visit a college on the same day to check out all the different courses available, just to see if there was anything I liked and what level I could study.
“I took my Mum along with me for moral support because, even though I was excited, I remember it being such a nerve-wracking experience! But also I felt a lot of pressure to make her and my family proud. I tried my best to be as positive as possible for me and for her.”
How did you feel in the run up?
“My emotions were so mixed in the run up to results day – I was happy, scared, nervous, excited. I almost didn’t know how to feel. I was so desperate to get good grades because I felt like that was the only way to progress into a good career.
“There was so much self-doubt along the way, thinking ‘I haven’t done well,’ or ‘I’m going to fail’. At these times, I tried to reassure myself that I’d worked so hard, sacrificed my weekends, and attended every study session. I knew that I’d tried my very best so I should be proud of myself whatever the outcome.
“The day before results day, I think I felt every single emotion. I cried, laughed, shouted, but I tried my best to be positive about what my future could hold and all the options available to me – whether I passed or failed.”
What was the best way you distracted yourself from worrying your results?
“It’s so tricky not to put too much pressure on yourself in the run up to results day. I’d go for a walk, call my friends and catch up on social media. I actually felt that these things helped to distract me completely. I made Sundays a day for self-care, pampering and relaxation. It took my mind off it and in these moments, I wouldn’t be worrying about exams at all!”
Did you know what you wanted to do after your GCSEs?
“Definitely not! I was determined to be a success in something and to be able to look after my family – but I didn’t know what that looks like. I knew that I didn’t want to go to sixth form, and I wasn’t set on going to college either.
“I was only 16 at the time and I was definitely putting too much pressure on myself, constantly stressing about thousands of ideas on how to be successful. I stressed far too much!”
So, what happened after your results day?
"I was happy with the results I got! I missed my Maths GCSE by one grade, which is obviously so frustrating, but with the help of The Learning Foundry I am now completing my maths GCSE alongside my apprenticeship."
How did you get involved with The Learning Foundry?
“After my GCSEs, I applied for an apprenticeship in a rush to find something, knowing that it wasn’t really what I wanted to do. After three weeks, I knew this wasn’t the role for me. I didn’t like to college, or the course – at this point I saw an advert for The Learning Foundry.
“I joined The Learning Foundry on the ‘Picture Your Future’ traineeship. This opportunity was everything I needed, introducing me to a range of new industries, improving my employability skills and boosting my confidence. It was the first time since leaving school that I was certain I was doing the right thing. It was such a positive experience and taught me more than how to get a job, it taught me life skills – and I even met my best friend here!”
“From here, I progressed to a Level 3 Business Administration apprenticeship. I really enjoyed the learning, but I also was excited to get started in a role in the workplace.
“Travelling has always been something I’ve been interested in, so meeting Marian, Sales Manager at StayCity (who is now my manager) at a careers event felt perfect! She said that she was interested in hiring an apprentice, and that was that! I started working as Sales Executive at StayCity whilst studying and have been there ever since!”
How has your training with TLF been different?
“Training with The Learning Foundry has been completely different to any learning I’ve done at school or college. I always have people around me who I can ask for support, my tutor is always just a phone call away and will help in seconds. Having this help is definitely something I needed. It’s helped me reach my full potential!”
What advice would you give to people collecting their results this year?
“Don’t overthink it. Don’t burn yourself out. Try and be positive.
“Remember all the hard work you’ve put in - you should be proud of yourself whatever the outcome. You can be whoever you want to be whatever results you get. Be who you want to be, you can make it happen!”
What are your hopes for the future?
“I really see myself travelling the world. I hope to progress with StayCity as a sales researcher, opening properties across the globe. I love the idea of meeting new people and seeing new places – and I know I have the skills to get there!”
If you or someone you know is worrying about results or stressing about their next steps, you can get in touch with our team. We are on hand Monday to Friday to offer free, impartial careers advice and guidance to get you where you want to be.
Ready to start your journey? Book a place on our upcoming open day on 31st August: Open day - Fast track your career Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
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