An Employer’s Perspective: What is the Main Benefit to Hiring an Apprentice?

As an employer who may or may not have hired an apprentice before, you might be curious to know what businesses in Merseyside consider to be the main benefit to taking on apprentices. It’s a question we often get here at The Learning Foundry from new employers and, truth be told, the benefits are many and varied, but then again, we would say that! To add credence to our belief in apprentices, we decided to pose the question to local businesses in Merseyside who have taken on apprentices, with some interesting conclusions drawn.
Results from our poll, conducted in March 2020 on social media, showed that 66.7% of businesses considered Fresh and Dynamic ideas to be the main benefit, with 16.7% considering Succession Planning and Social Value respectively to be the most important aspect to hiring an apprentice.
The results came as no surprise to The Learning Foundry, with many businesses who have hired our apprentices in the past enthusing at the dynamism and ambition displayed by their new recruits.
We have successfully recruited dynamic apprentices to many businesses in Merseyside in a variety of different sectors and roles such as Business Admin, Customer Service, Housing, Dental Nursing, Childcare and Health and Social Care, while helping businesses develop and upskill their existing workforce through ILM Level 3 and Level 5 Management and Leadership courses.
Your own experiences aside, don’t just take our word for it when we speak of the abilities of apprentices and what they offer to businesses. Suzy Gorman, Client Services Manager at Ollie & Darsh Dental Clinic, who hired a young Dental Nursing apprentice (Ellie) from The Learning Foundry, says, “Every once in a while, special employees come along that really just seem to get it, they really get you as a company. Ellie is one of those employees and has helped to drive the clinic forward.”
“Ellie is one of our rockstars because she understands the power of teamwork and completely understands her role within the clinic.”
Ellie’s impact is not unusual or standalone, with excellent feedback regularly coming through to us from businesses, speaking specifically to the talents and dynamism of The Learning Foundry apprentices.
“Ellie’s story is one of many. It’s fantastic to see our apprentices making a real impact on many of the businesses across Merseyside by offering something new and different and a fresh take and perspective,” said Joanne Abraham, Managing Director at The Learning Foundry.
Many young people are looking for apprenticeship opportunities now. If you’re looking to recruit an apprentice (now or in the future) we are available and can take the hassle out of recruitment through our free recruitment service. We can also upskill your existing staff today! Contact Kellie Lynch on 0300 123 8088 or email us at for further information.