TLF is nothing like school or college! | News

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TLF is nothing like school or college!

We’re nothing like school or college and our learners are they best people to tell you why! We sat down with some of them and asked them to share their experiences with The Learning Foundry. Here’s what they had to say!

How would you describe your time with The Learning Foundry?

“The Learning Foundry was the best decision I ever made! I’ve got confidence, learned leadership skills, and how to guide a team.”
- Jamie - Leigh, Youthquake Traineeship.

“The fact I’ve been able to go on placement so early on and experience first hand how the role of a dental nurse is, has been so ideal, as it would never be too late to realise it wasn’t for you before you got too far into the course, in my case it just confirmed that I loved it more than I realised I would!”
- Tayla, Learner, Dental Traineeship.

“What I liked the most about the course was going out on the trips with the other learners to see and speak to other local businesses.”
- Zina, Leaner, Youthquake Traineeship.

Why is TLF different?

“It’s nothing like a school environment – you can just chill and there’s no pressure and no one telling you what to do.”
- Jamie - Leigh, Youthquake Traineeship.

“With The Learning Foundry you’re learning while you’re working.”
- Aime, Learner, Childcare Traineeship.

What I liked the most about the course was going out on the trips with the other learners to see and speak to other local businesses.”

Zina, Learner, Youthquake Traineeship

“The environment of college just didn’t feel right for me… Life before Youthquake was quite difficult actually. It was quite frustrating. After coming to The Learning Foundry I’ve got my confidence up, I’m meeting new people, trying new things and doing things I wouldn’t have thought I’d be doing.”
- Rory, Learner, Youthquake Traineeship

What are the tutors like?

“I started this course with no clue that I was going to get anything at the end of it. I wouldn’t get up and turn up or I’d be late. My tutor Jo used to ring me to get me to come in - I hate it but know I can see why she done it. They could see I would go far even when I didn’t believe in myself. It’s nice to know they did!”
- Lucy, Learner.

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see!”
- Zainab, Youthquake Learner.

“I loved how good the tutors are and the way they teach you about everything.”
- Tayla, Learner, Dental Traineeship.


What have you learned from coming to The Learning Foundry?

“We have learnt about business through visitors who own local, good businesses as well as English and Maths. I have met a lot of kind people on this journey and is has improved my English as it is not my first language; I have learnt to speak confidently amongst my group as my spoken English have grown each week.”
- Zainab, Youthquake Learner.

“During my time here, I have learned many new things about business from working on the community projects and I have enjoyed every minute of it.”
- Zina, Leaner, Youthquake Traineeship.

“I’ve definitely gained a lot of confidence and pride. I was at a very low point doing my a-levels and not enjoying it. But coming here [to TLF] I’ve felt lighter. My head’s been clear and I’ve really enjoyed it.”
- Gregg, Learner, Future Communities Traineeship

“The traineeship gave me stuff to talk about in my interview and gave me the confidence to be myself.”
- Jamie - Leigh, Youthquake Traineeship.

 “It’s helped me with a career path that I’d like to take in the future. I’d like to go on and do my Level 4, 5 and 6 at university.”
Aime, Learner, Childcare Traineeship

“Through The Learning Foundry I got a placement with the Combined Authority, inside Steve Rotherham’s office, the Metro Mayor of Liverpool. I don’t think I would’ve got that opportunity anywhere else, to get somewhere that special.”
- Rory, Learner, Youthquake Traineeship.


What would you say to anyone thinking about joining The Learning Foundry?

“I would 100% recommend The Learning Foundry because it gives young people who’ve left school a chance to progress in anything.”
- Aime, Learner, Childcare Traineeship

“I would say to people to do a traineeship… It’s very different. You get different experiences from it. You keep on top of your maths and English and you go out and get work experience...that’s what employers are looking for.”
- Gregg, Learner, Future Communities Traineeship.

 “I’m very grateful for it and like I say, without this place [The Learning Foundry] it would never have been possible. It’s a great opportunity and I’m making the most of it. I was quite anxious when I first came but I gave it a chance and as time progressed I’ve enjoyed meeting people and socialising after so long. It’s good, it’s refreshing.”
- Rory, Learner, Youthquake Traineeship.

“It changed my life because I didn't have any friends after I arrived in the UK and after three weeks they told me that we are a family.”
- Zainab, Youthquake Learner.

If you’re interested in joining us, then check out all our available courses online or call us on 0300 123 8088 to discuss the best option for you.


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