A successful Matrix review for The Learning Foundry | News

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A successful Matrix review for The Learning Foundry

The Learning Foundry has been praised for innovation after a successful annual review of our Matrix accreditation.

Matrix is an international quality standard to ensure that organisations are delivering information, advice and guidance effectively.  The Learning Foundry achieved Matrix accreditation last year, recognising the quality of guidance provided to learners and employers.

This week, our annual Matrix review was held with fantastic results. The Learning Foundry was praised for their progress in the past year, from maintaining quality information and guidance delivery, to the transition to a new brand and campus. Janette Russon, Matrix assessor, said, “It is clear that there are a lot of great things happening, with lots of innovation!” Janette now looks forward to next year’s Matrix review, as The Learning Foundry continues to develop and adapt to challenges.

You can read our full Matrix-accredited information, advice and guidance policy here, or contact us on 0300 123 8088 to find out more about the IAG service we can provide to support your learning.


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